So, I decided to take a walk today with my camera so that I can better let you (my friends and family) where I am living. So, as I left my door (seen above) I remembered that I had forgotten to tell of the "gift" I received. On Tuesday morning, as I left for work I found a can of beer, left with some care, on my step. There were also several (about 6) empties. My neighbor let me know that several of the town drunks had been drinking behind "Bla Bla" the town restaurant on Monday afternoon- evening. We guessed that in their inebriation, as they walked all the way across the street, they must have gotten tired and thirsty and decided to stop for a refreshment. The most interesting part is that they were so out of it that they had forgotten their last beer.

Then I continued on my walk, and at the end of the street is the Northern. The town store. It is usually packed with smokers (age 10 and up) standing at the door, and even just inside. So as I walked by, at 3:00pm, I noticed one of the town drunks facing the side wall of the store. It was a few seconds before I realized that he was urinating on the building. I had to hold back from both laughing and taking a picture.

Then I approached the back of the store, where there are two sculptures that the bus passes daily. And that represent some of the only art in the city. I noticed only yesterday that one was a miner (Schefferville has a long history as a mining town). I took my first photo, and realized and laughed about the anatomical correctness with which the sculpture was build. The second sculpture was, as usual, covered in children who have no park to play. The streets and lawns are so full of broken glass that this may be the safest place to play. Far from the street, homes and bar.

Across the lake one can see what is left of the old train. Apparently it takes 12-14 hours to get from here to Sept Illes, and even longer to Montreal. I think I will take the train home on holiday's. The little 9 seat plane hit a lot of turbulence on the way here.

Next it the infamous cross, similar to that which used to keep me awake when I lived in the tailor park.

Next, the ever present reminder that I'm not in my home province. The blue and white flags outnumber even the Naskapi national flag. There are only two Canadian flags in the region. One on the restaurant, the other on the school. Something else I found interesting, there is no Oh Canada. Instead they play the lord's prayer in the morning, and it's in Naskapi. So I don't even get to understand it.

Yes, then there is this piece, located at the end of my street. It has a very Austrian feel with the black and red bird, which reminds the town of the past riches it had while mining. Apparently, some talks are occurring between between a Newfoundland company and the Kawawa band. But not much is known.

Then to end the tour is the constant, even here in Schefferville, the CBC. Mind you that I had to create a makeshift antenna, but never the less it is coming in.