The following day we had our staff x-mas party. Another potluck, the school had bought turkeys and had over 20 dishes to choose from. Needless to say it was easy to gain weight.
For the kids it was decided on the final Wednesday to have a sing along. Below are a few pictures of us at the NCC (Native Community Center), and a sample of the grade 3 singing the 12 days of Christmas in Naskapi (sorry there was very little light.
Then, on Thursday we had class parties. The kids came in at 10am for two hours. The sec 4 and 5's decided that we would play games... aka poker. The morning went well, we cleaned our rooms, moved the desks and chairs and left for the holidays (Dec. 14- Jan 7 (but we work several Saturdays and start early).
Wow... this is really neat to read...
Sorry, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Benjamin Jancewicz, and I'm a former student of JSMS. I graduated from there in 1999, and Kawawachikamach is my home town.
I haven't been able to go home in about 4 years, and I miss it a lot.
It is really really cool to read your blog and see a piece of home. Do you mind if I feature you on my own blog?
Hey Joe Joe,
Glad to see that you made it home safely .. how's civilization? I'm staying up here in Arctic Bay for the holidays as we only have two weeks off (you are lucky to have three) and it would cost me 4500$ to get home and back ... an expense that I cannot afford right now. You better be updating this blog like there is no tomorrow! I want pictures! Take care, have a well deserved rest!
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